LAF - How's the Metal scene in Greece?
Alexander - There is a big number of underground bands [appearing in] the last years and several of them worth people's attention. But their existence is based mainly in local-town gigs and some demo releases. So it's very difficult for them to reach non-Greek ears. We also suffer from many quality issues: bad studios, bad producers, bad live sound and above all a wrong (actually non existent) perspective about the do it on you own logic. The whole situation is considered non profitable from the labels so their only "way out" has become the web.
Paulo Lemos - Do you have social or political ideals? What are they?
A - Of course we have. We think that each one of us on this planet has a consciousness that uses for everything he feels and does in his life. Breathing is a choice, loving is a choice, hating is a choice, closing your eyes or fighting against is another choice... There is no excuse. All your actions have a political, ethical and social dimension.
LAF - What are the bands that influence Revolting Breed?
A - Each one of us listens to a bunch of different stuff but Revolting Breed is the outcome of bands like At The Gates, The Haunted and the whole Swedish sound [Death Metal Melódico, principalmente], Lamb of God, Machine Head and also some death, punk or hardcore stuff...
LAF - Are you guys giving regular shows in Greece? Have you manage to play outside Greece?
A - The last four years that we’re together we’ve played in several cities in Greece. But we haven't done anything outside our country. Without a label, promoter, manager or whatever... is very difficult to arrange something like that. It can only happen with small bands in small places and when you have a small pocket is even more difficult with the transportation and accommodation issues. It needs a lot of time, effort, e-mails and probably money to do this.
But we definitely want to try to schedule it sometime in the near future!
LAF - Why did you liberate your album for free on the internet?
A - From the very beginning we never thought Revolting Breed to be a source of money or profit for us. We even considered to distribute our album for free. We finally decided to ask for a small 5 euro help [risos] for the production costs and for ensuring better circumstances for our future work! We use the money for better studio, live and recording equipment. As for the internet we give our music to the people for free and we just expect them to appreciate it!Who ever wants to support us can easily order our CD directly from us. Unfortunately we don't have any distribution deals with independent labels for now except one or two I think...
LAF - Lots of people consider Rise Against as one of the finest debut albums ever. Were you aware of that when you released it?
A - No, and we still believe the same thing... [risos]. We just did our best in playing, recording and producing our music. I'm sure there is a lot of bands out there who do the same and much better. And it's important to search and discover all these bands that didn't have
the "luck" of having a multinational label behind them...
LAF - Are you guys working on new material? Is there a new Revolting Breed album to be released?
A - Actually yes! We are in the middle of composing and arranging new songs. We hope that there will be a new album within the next year. We will probably do the production and mixing process completely on our own this time so it maybe take a little longer than usual. [ :) ]
LAF - Is Rise Against the first of a succession of great albums?
A - [Risos] We really can't say. We will be more than happy to know that some people think of us this way!! If we have the time and will to play together for some more years, be sure that we will do our best both in albums and live gigs to make ourselves and all those listening to Revolting Breed having a great time!!
LAF - Do you want to add something else?
A - We just want to thank you for the obvious support that you're showing us!! Just do the same for all these bands out there doing things on their own not because they can't otherwise but because they choose not to. We hope to see you some time in a live gig! Thanks again! Rise And Revolt!
2 comentários:
Parabéns pela entrevista e pela iniciativa de descobrir uma pérola do underground como os Revolting Breed. Sei que tens mais uma entrevista a uma banda estrangeira de equiparável qualidade, fico à espera de a ler!
Obrigado, shôr Paulinho! Sim, estou à espera da entrevista aos Divine Heresy, do Dino Cazares. Fica atento!
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